The important thing is, how to interpret it? As we benefit from it? How to use it efficiently?. The truth, which, as he pointed out the dictionary and Hendricks and Ludeman, intuition, remind us is direct knowledge of something without the conscious use of reason. What can be used for: * get a new market for an existing product. * Make an investment at an opportune time. * Detect where there are problems in a given project. * Hire someone…

We are also reminded that intuition is a natural gift, something to which all have access. It is also a talent, something that we can improve with practice, by the way, do you do it? Do you insufficient attention you?. It is true when we are told, this is the main reason for the importance of intuition: constitutes a clear signal that we are connecting us with our system of inner spirituality, system which I think many they overlook, others ignore, however, there are those who if they feed it, in where you hope you are one of them, is a source that should not be neglected. Intuition is a direct signal of our deepest identity that tells us that we are operating from our authentic Center. As he said it and the cited authors, the Bishop of Canterbury remind us: when I pray, miracles happen. When not prayer does not happen. The same can be said of intuition.

When it is running, we can be sure of that is because we have been feeding our connection with our soul somehow. When it doesn’t, it is that it is high time to devote some time to meditation, or going to watch a waterfall, or locked alone in the Office. I believe that we must dedicate some minutes to this communion of ideas with our higher self, which allows us to delve with the intuition that is our service and provide us with all those informations that are required when such doubt manifests itself, we must not neglect it..

One day, collecting information about how to promote your site, I stumbled across an online course on this topic. I have never been faced with this teaching methodology, so I decided to try it for yourself. In practice play online course was elementary. The link sent by the organizers, visit a website and find yourself in a virtual lecture hall, where he will take online courses. Lead by making the report demonstrates slides and, if necessary – all of his actions on the screen. After the speech, starting questions from the audience, which can be set either through chat or through a microphone. With a microphone connected amusing incident in this online course. Not really sorting out the controls, I raised my hand, and when the host gave me a word, quite taken aback and did not immediately guessed it off.

As a result, the entire audience a couple of minutes listening to cheerful laughter of my son, who hovered nearby. Imagine the reaction of listeners! After the first online course, the interest in this method, I have become even stronger, and I decided to take him on board. First, during an online course can be obtained specific recommendations based on practical experience of leading. Secondly, the online course format allows you to ask questions and get answers in real time. Third, listen to the online course can be from any convenient location – from home, office or even while on vacation.

However, this is the same and the main disadvantage of this kind of training, because any time you can distract the children who visited or call for salt neighbor. And finally, after the online course usually remains the record you can listen to at any time. Developing the theme, decided to look at what areas can be learned, and how online courses are developed in RuNet. It turned out that many companies offer online courses. And you can find almost any topic – from Google's products and websites to promote time-management training and personal growth. Many companies provide free introductory online courses, and for the online course from the "gurus" have to pay, although cost will be much cheaper than a seminar or training in real life. In RuNet learning with online courses is just beginning to develop. Most users do not enjoy such Runet way of teaching (for example, a survey conducted online portal Personnel Management, for the first time they hear about online courses, 85% of participating in the survey). Still, recent market research training and education suggest that the demand for online courses will continue to grow. This contributes to the growing development of the Internet, and the current economic situation and global trends in education.

Citizenship in non-formal education is the main objective, and it is thought in collective terms, occurs through social practice. Non-formal education is characterized by you would not have to import in to develop a predefined curriculum, which is based primarily on cravings, needs and interests of the persons who constitute the groups involved in actions and practices in the field of education. Proposals for non-formal education are downtown intended to enrich the individuals biography, expanding the range of experiences and formative experiences of children, youth, adults and elders. She emphasizes the encounter of generations, the mix of ages, no mandatory frequency and occurrence of actions and experiences in space and time more flexible, not restricted or set by regulatory bodies. She designates a process with various dimensions, corresponding the their abrangencia areas, which are: to) political rights of individuals while citizens learning; (b) the training of individuals to work, through learning skills and or/development potential; (c) learning and exercise of practices that enable individuals to organize with Community objectives, turns towards daily collective problems solving; (d) learning the contents of formal, school, schooling in forms and differentiated spaces; (e) education developed in the and by the mass media, especially electronics.

What difference the informal non-formal education in the first there is the intentionality of data subject in create or collect certain qualities and o/objectives, it is defined by an absence, compared to what there is in school (something that would be non-intentional, no-planificacion, non-structured), taking as a unique paradigm to formal education. Informal education takes place of spontaneous or natural processes even though it is charged, values and representations, as it is the case of the education family, for example, transmitted by parents in the family, living with friends, clubs, theatres, reading newspapers, books, turns etc. By AD monograph and TCC of education for teaching purposes the fields of non-formal education are divided into: destined to become literate or transmit knowledge has historically been systematized by the men and women, planned for the clienteles subjects of the educational actions, with a structure and an organization distinguished the school organizations, comprising the area that convenciono call popular education and education of young people and adults, and comprises education generated in the process of social participation in collective actions do not turns to the learning content of formal education.