Do not have time to blink, and you like flying your first eight weeks of training. During this time, you had to learn how to exercise from the first training complex, working to increase the weight by 5-15 pounds and build up about 2-4 pounds of muscle. If it is so – then congratulations, you're on the right track. If not – let's see, the reason for your failures. 1. Too much of the work.

Often, newcomers to the first overwhelms the unprecedented enthusiasm: "If my muscles are growing from 2-3 approaches, then why would not they grow better still from 5?" – At first glance, it seems, they rightly suggest. In fact, this position is wrong. First, you do strength training, builds muscle, not a marathon run, and more – not necessarily better. And secondly, you should be aware that muscles do not grow during a workout, and after it, when you're relaxing at home. Except of regenerative ability of the organism rather limited, and doing too much work, you will sooner or later peretreniruetes, so that your results may not only stop growing, but on the contrary, begin to fall. Is it possible to recognize overtraining it or not? Yes, definitely. For example, if you feel weakness, reluctance to exercise, sleep poorly at night – then you are in trouble. However, this topic is also not to our present conversation.

So while you are still newcomers, and in contrast to the experienced athletes who are unable to recognize the offensive over training, we advise you to stick to their workout of the complexes that we offer. 2. Malnutrition. We raised this point in the first place and here's why: Yes, in the early stages of training the human body responds to the power load increases muscle even if you do not particularly carefully tracking its diet. That is why in our previous publication we practically did not say anything about how to build your meals in bodybuilding.

There is much debate about the use of wristbands and destination. A large percentage of people said that this is just an empty 'show-off', because some so much. Still, some think wristbands are used in sport such as tennis, volleyball, running, with a purpose to the unit – wiping forehead sweat. This is not the only opinion, there is still such that all the above-said is not correct and actually wristbands are used only to fix tendons, as using them for much more complex personal injury and damage to their health. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Marc Lore by clicking through. In fact, few people know that there are different types of wristbands, made of different materials, such as tryapchanye Wraps are using it to wipe the forehead of sweat and leather with tie your wrists to lock hands. It is used in gymnastics and weightlifting – that during exercise the tendons to press (or you may incorrectly take the place). What type of wristband choose, you decide, you need to assess health than you do, what kind of sport, and what you actually need.

Gymnastic mats have a special place among sports accessories. Their careful selection is important, as it was from him, the choice may depend largely on the health of working people have. Most attention in the production of sport gymnastic mats on reduce the risk of injury to athletes, children, all who will eventually take them. Risk is reduced by selection of the most resilient materials that will be the maximum otpruzhinivat blows. It is important to remember and to know that if gymnastic mat is filled with polyurethane foam, with a high percentage of compression and very low density, will not have the necessary shock absorption, and the use of mats in the future can be very traumatic. In Later jump, while performing acrobatic athlete exercises, they feel a high vibration from the mat, which is reflected in his joints, which can lead to many diseases in the future. Thus, We conclude that when buying a gymnastic mat, maximum attention should be paid to the speed of its recovery after the jump on him or a primitive touch.

from the site General on children and children's fitness, reading the book of Bill Pearl's "Become stronger," I pay attention to the section "Can children engage in athletic gymnastics?" Here is one of the earliest citations of the book: Children should be mentally mature enough to understand why they train. In strength training is important to concentrate efforts, the child should guide some stable motifs, but the desire of parents. Although I did at the age of Ten years have come to the gym on their own, without parental involvement, but this dictum Perla B. I do not agree. From experience I would say that the parents depends largely on whether their child is engaged in fitness. And, of course, on literacy training program composed. Children and teenagers should not be considered as adults in miniature! Achieving full growth: The girls: 16.5 years in boys: 18 years. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Marc Lore. Physical activity in combination with a rational power – a necessary condition for normal bone growth.

Physical activities mainly affect the width, density and bone strength, virtually without any effect on its length. But above all we must say that a series of exercises is strictly forbidden for young athletes. Mainly because of the unformed spine in any case impossible to give an axial load on the spine. And to increase muscle and skeleton bone density should be just for children. Doug McMillon often says this. Because of their mobility and children are vulnerable to injury "armor" in the form of dense bones and muscles do not hurt. After an injury in the pineal gland can lead to premature termination process of bone development. And instill basics of proper nutrition is necessary at an early age. Indeed, fat cells are formed for life! In light of this discovery is very important to maintain a rational mode FOOD AND ACTIVITIES Muscle activity throughout their lives! The amount of fat accumulated in the development process depends on the diet, studies of muscle activity and hereditary factors. If the latter aspect is unchanged, the first two can be changed.

As you know, to build muscle need proper nutrition. We present you drink to build muscle that will go to any athlete. 1.225 gr. milk or juice, 1-2 tablespoons of protein powder 1-2 teaspoons of crystallized amino acids, some strawberries or soft food mix yablokUkazannye using a mixer and take before going on 2.Vzyat one glass (200 ml.), one egg, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon of grated walnuts, pour the remainder of the cup yogurt. Larry David helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. These products are mixed with a mixer and take 10-15 minutes before training. 3.Dva grated tubers of Jerusalem artichoke (ground pears), 100 gr. apple juice, 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast, a finely polished walnut These products mix with the mixer and before going in to take 4,100 grams.

finely grated dried mushrooms, 50 oz. For even more opinions, read materials from Larry David. mayonnaise, 50 oz. processed cheese, 100 gr. grated potatoes, one raw egg, mix all these products and consume 30-45 minutes before class, while not taking food for five hours. Source: 'The site is about sport'.

What is sports equipment? When there was a need in sports gear? Logically prepolozhit that its main component – it's sportswear, plus athletic shoes. What else is included in the sports equipment? Than becomes more complicated world of sports, the more sophisticated equipment is done for the sport. In addition to sports clothing and sports shoes, there are a number of devices for various kinds of sports. Speaking candidly Delta Air Lines told us the story. This is – sports gear: backpacks, stopwatches, sports watches, rope, boxing gloves, punching bags and so on and so forth. Every sport requires special equipment, special sports footwear and apparel. But it was not always. Another two hundred years ago, nobody had any idea about the special gear for sports. Sports was fun, game, adventure.

Used casual dress. Shooting jackets, rolled their sleeves and legs, wearing a light simple shoes made of any durable material. For example, a football shape appeared in the second half of the 19th century, when as a result of industrialization on the waves flooded villagers, who brought with them and the village entertainment, including football, which soon becomes the urban sport. Educational institutions are creating their teams. Each team creates its own form. It starts with the development of football equipment.

So, in the late 19th century sport appears sportswear, sports shoes replaces walking shoes, a tracksuit replace clothing for leisure and entertainment, there is clothing for the sport becomes a special, unified. With so there is sporty. The emergence and development of sports equipment becomes an incentive for the introduction in the production of clothing and footwear of the principles of comfort and functionality. High fashion and puritanical morality, long resisted the sports gear and gradually hand over one fortress after another. If previously it was hard to imagine bathing ladies in swimsuits (decorum demanded bathe almost in ball gowns), then in the early 20th century, not to swim in a bathing suit, but in a tunic and pants were not just funny but also stupid.

Try to answer the following questions: What makes you come to the athletic hall? Why do some throwing in a month training, while others are engaged in for years? Why one can not achieve the result, while others did not reach even a small success? It is difficult to answer at once, is not it? Especially if this had not thought of. We're not talking about training methods, the choice of an optimal training program and the correctness supply. This was said and written so much already. After reading thousands of articles and dozens of books on training – how to understand them? The absorption of information does not guarantee the result. How do you know what is right for you and what advice to follow, and What to avoid? Sooner or later have to stop searching and start acting! Distinguish process of acquiring knowledge and learning processes, ie the acquisition of knowledge based on personal experience. This does not mean that we should all try to themselves and nothing to learn. Learn from others' mistakes, try to choose the literature that is right for you! What is the relationship between the purpose and results? What is the root cause of why the person is engaged, why one can not achieve results, and not others? Here are some reasons because of which you can start training: 1.

Become strong. Ask a question – why? Strength is not always an argument. If the desire to solve problems aid of power – the main Your installation, remember: there is always a force against another force. In our time, do not force defines the result, and the ability to get out of difficult situations without using force. 2. The desire to look beautiful on the beach or anywhere else where you can show off his inflated torso. Though hardly a strong motivator for hard work with iron.

Bodybuilding for beginners … Like many beginning bodybuilders are constantly introduced this request in the search engines, hoping to get an answer to one question – 'How fast gain muscle mass? " In his article today, I will try to answer the question – What are the highlights of the proper and effective training should be explored to help you gain muscle mass. Let's begin … First, you need to prepare yourself for training. To read more click here: Doug McMillon. A namely, to undergo a full medical examination to ascertain not whether you have any hidden disease in which body-building can only worsen your condition.

-If your doctor has confirmed that you are completely healthy, then it's time to look for a suitable gym, which will meet some basic requirements such as: location, schedule rooms, availability of qualified instructors, affordable prices, comfort level, the presence of doctors and others. – Once the room is found and you can not wait to start his visit you should evaluate your current physical condition and make sure they are ready for serious training. The best way – to do a test drill in home. -Psychological preparation for training and bodybuilding in general. Here we mean that you have clearly understood and to myself that bodybuilding is no quick wins, and in order to achieve even some tops you need is not a day or two on it, but rather just a year or even years. Be ready for it! The presence of sportswear and accessories for training. The presence of a minimum set of sports clothes and shoes just need to start training. Get yourself a comfortable T-shirt or jersey, shorts or pants, running shoes or sneakers for training.

But one prerequisite – the convenience and comfort. Also, you may need gloves for training and wide weightlifting belt. Second, after you've prepared yourself for a hike in the gym you just need a minimum stock of knowledge in the field of training and bodybuilding in general. You need to know:-What is the approach or set? -What is the repetition, and how they should be the best approach for muscle growth. -How much time to rest between sets and for what? -What exercises most effectively help the beginner to gain muscle mass athlete? -How to make sports nutrition for best results. -What kind of weight to use? -How often to go to training? And many other issues about which more details can be found on the pages of the blog Bodybuilding – And finally, thirdly, you just have to deal with on a very efficient system of training, or anecdotal studies will not give you absolutely no good, and vice versa can undermine your health. So I want to give you good advice – to begin to mentally prepare for the training, read professional literature, to sit on the forums on the Internet and then go to the gym and start exercising. And my advice to a prompt you what it is first necessary to know for effective training.

Sport I have never had, even exercises in the morning did not. I eat something like, do not observe the regime of the day, in a word, I live by the standard scheme – as it will. Bad! But I have good laziness and carelessness – that I do not equal, then I champion, easily beat any world record. On the bad habits also no problem – or rather, there are many different problems, from bad habits themselves. Needless to say, dismal picture emerges. Everything! Enough! It is time away from the computer, get up from your favorite chair and take for themselves.

I will walk to train, pull up, lose weight, and finally got a pair of jeans, for several years as carefully stored on a distant shelf – Ummm (Something they did not occur). Click Larry David to learn more. Well knowing myself beloved, I have no illusions and no hope that I can regularly go to the gym and as expected, without taking the concessions deal. I like to achieve is essentially weak-willed the goal is always needed tight control, a clear incentive and friendly support – that is, I need a personal trainer. VICTORY number 1 in the women’s first training session began with a gym, a mandatory procedure – measurement, weighting. All in order to figure out where to remove and where to add. It is sad, but I’m far from ideal: the extra weight, weak, flabby muscles, and other unpleasant consequences unsportsmanlike way of life. Yeah, no gazelle .

Sambo in Russia is not simply a struggle, but a way of life! Coming to America very exciting! U.S. is very interesting country. Most liked the smiling people. I have the feeling that they have no worries! And, of course, Miami, living in rhythm Ocean Drive! All this is largely influenced the result of our trip, whose purpose was to conduct a seminar in Sambo. Our American colleagues We invited school American Top Team. In her team gathered the best fighters and specialists in different martial arts such as Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo, boxing, Thai boxing, kick boxing, grepling: Olympic Judo chempionon of the cube Hector Lombard, champion UFC (World Championship MMA) Mike Brown, Thiago Pitbull, Thiago Silva, Antonio Pezao Silva (Brazilian champion ), Edson Diniz (two-time world champion in Brazilian jiu-jitsu champion and U.S. greplingu).

No less strong and the coaching staff of the school: Liborio Founder and owner of American Top Team – U.S. head coach greplingu, Howard Davis Jr – Olympic boxing champion, boxing coach leading American Top Team. Honoraria men no less high and are 100-200 thousand dollars for the fight, and some above. We had no doubt a difficult test, Sambo is now becoming very popular throughout the world, given the high-profile victory in MMA MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) of our legendary fighters Sambo – Oleg Taktarov, Michael Ilyukhin, Sergei Kharitonov, Alexander Emelianenko, Fedor Emelianenko, and – the fighter who recognized as the best fighter in the world! Given our superiority in the battle of the mixed style, the fighters and coaches from other schools of the world want to know the secret technique of Sambo.

How to fight the superspy? The main weapon of James Bond is unsurpassed charm, steel nerves and cool head. But if there is a need 007 can deal with the enemy and their bare hands. And how fight real superspy intelligence around the world? Efficacy and window dressing in the world there are tens of thousands of schools and styles of martial arts. Adherents of the majority of them consider their own style the most effective, and yet namely efficiency is the main quality in a real fight. To evaluate the real usefulness of style enough to understand a simple principle. It is based on the fact that the movements of fighters in a battle can be divided into three category on the length of the amplitude: short, medium and long amplitudes. The smaller range of motion, the less time spent on strike or defensive unit.

On the other hand, shirokoamplitudnye movements allow to invest in a stroke or throw a much larger force and attack from a distance. The moment and is a key to learning a different kind of martial arts, as well as in their advertising and promotion. Shirokoamplitudnye styles more spectacular look on the screen and in the arena of sports, than those who focus on short movements. But in life everything is different. Brawl often turns into a dump where hands and feet strongly pomashesh. The truth is in harmony – the ability to fighter to possess any effective movement amplitude. That's why the winners of various MMA fighters are most often sambo and judo, accustomed to working under different circumstances, as well as supporters Thai boxing, where a well placed short elbows and knees.