And just as our own self-preservation instinct (not for nothing that wise judges require medical admission) saves us, and everyone else at the same time, from irreparable harm. AKP – is searching and finding a free time when it is catastrophic shortage. When we, for example, instead of thirty minutes set aside for the search for water, where it is not, followed by boiling it, as well as preparing and eating food, spent twenty-five minutes. The remaining five minutes just sat there, blankly staring into nowhere, with only one thought: "We can still, we can survive this crazy pace of time, the movement of people and rhythm of work, can still barely, because of the fall exhaustion forces always have time, but the rise … .. "the AKP – is when our life and death is only two strings of nylon thickness of ten millimeters, it's at best. > by clicking through. And in the best case that we must learn to do – so it learn how to "save" the life of another. Here with us are in reality, but we are stretched to the limit with difficulty distinguish these facets of reality and game.

Here the organizers have only to offer, the participants have only the right to refuse. And it's the only difference between game and reality. AKP – is when in front of our team is another option. First – choose the passage of several hours, a rather complex technical step on the rocks, with using climbing equipment, a certain risk to life, where time for its preparation severe restrictions, or the second – to choose a simple denial.

If you decide to engage in recreational activities, fishing, hunting and think about the acquisition of a snowmobile, but the new is not enough money, in your case there is only one option, purchasing a used snowmobile. When buying a bu snowmobile must be no less attentive than when buying a car will. If you get the first snowmobile, it is better to take a person a little versed in snowmobiling. If this is not possible, it is necessary themselves definitively explore snowmobile for troubleshooting. It is no secret that snowmobiles are cases incision into the trees and just turning the collision. Learn more at this site: Michael J. Bender. First of all examine the geometry of the body, for dents and deformations of the frame. Plastic state for cracks, chips, discrepancies in the gaps. Although differences in the gaps quite difficult to determine because both the new snowmobile clearances definitively not fit.

Also note particular attention to caterpillars. Greater tread wear and tear should not be. On this element Sharpen focus, as the cost of the new tracks hovering around $ 1000. One of the main elements snowmobile, as well as a car engine. State of the engine can not be determined by eye. Should at least arm compressometer and measure the compression in cylinders, large discrepancies money had to be. Just pay attention to the state of the variator, oil, front suspension.

Estimated cost of spare parts for a snowmobile. Caterpillar-$ 1000 plastic hood-800-1000 $ variator belt-$ 100 Ski-300 $ 500 As a rule snowmobiles do not sell high-mileage, like vehicles. After all, life of the engine in the 15000-20000 km and a total of less sporty models. The resource is highly dependent on the running, operating conditions, driving style. Greatly reduce the life of a snowmobile lack of seasonal conservation. In any case when buying supported by a snowmobile must be very careful, because the cost of subsequent repairs can greatly overshadow the joy of shopping. If you doubt whether you need a snowmobile, then try first to take it in Snowmobile rental and then decide whether to make this purchase.

How to fight the superspy? The main weapon of James Bond is unsurpassed charm, steel nerves and cool head. But if there is a need 007 can deal with the enemy and their bare hands. And how fight real superspy intelligence around the world? Efficacy and window dressing in the world there are tens of thousands of schools and styles of martial arts. Adherents of the majority of them consider their own style the most effective, and yet namely efficiency is the main quality in a real fight. To evaluate the real usefulness of style enough to understand a simple principle. It is based on the fact that the movements of fighters in a battle can be divided into three category on the length of the amplitude: short, medium and long amplitudes. The smaller range of motion, the less time spent on strike or defensive unit.

On the other hand, shirokoamplitudnye movements allow to invest in a stroke or throw a much larger force and attack from a distance. The moment and is a key to learning a different kind of martial arts, as well as in their advertising and promotion. Shirokoamplitudnye styles more spectacular look on the screen and in the arena of sports, than those who focus on short movements. But in life everything is different. Brawl often turns into a dump where hands and feet strongly pomashesh. The truth is in harmony – the ability to fighter to possess any effective movement amplitude. That's why the winners of various MMA fighters are most often sambo and judo, accustomed to working under different circumstances, as well as supporters Thai boxing, where a well placed short elbows and knees.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky above us – not a cloud, cloud numerous lambs accumulated over the ridges and spurs of the Main. Climbed to the snowfields. Steep slope, but shlos confident – his legs seemed to be fused with the shoes, and these in turn with the cats – and a foretaste of the forthcoming meeting with the top gave enthusiasm to move forward and upward. It seemed as if the top is near: had to go around the rock, and that there behind her, I could not imagine. And behind it was once again traverse the snow to the new rock … Impatience overwhelmed. When it got to the cliff and stopped in amazement: climbed up on a broad plateau right was a large and bulk rock, is not reminiscent of the summit, something resembling a vertex, denoted on the left, and there were footprints in the snow. Here I peremknulo: East and it? Looked at Stas.

He pointed the way there, according to trail, and I slowly buried. It was hot, though, is not too strong wind still was not, and it is very surprising. And then I reached the top … It was empty. Heart beat more often, I tagged along to the sign. Approaching and touching his ice pick, dropped to her knees and sobbed from me again sweeping emotions. His Majesty Elbrus again opened its arms to me, wasted on his second summit. Great Oshhamaho, Mount eternity and happiness, it changes people, gives no the incomparable emotion, inspires and makes people happy …