The lines of direction of the Ministry of the Education are a subject that if more consolidates each time in our country due to the great advances that Superior Ensino has gotten in recent years. The institutions of superior education must have as main mission the development of the nation as a whole. The Coordination of Perfectioning of Staff of Superior Level CAPES, must is focada in the ones after-graduandos being able with effectiveness to carry through the evaluation of the courses opened for the institutions. The present article has the objective to base on the lines of direction of the Ministry of the Education MEC, directed exclusively toward superior education. Word-key: CAPES. Superior education. Ministry of the Education.
Educacin en There general RESUMEN you are there base for un human being puede to ejercer el there paper clave en sociedad en that viven. Wools directrices del Ministry of Educacin you are un bad subject that stairs time consolidated en nuestro debido country los the great los you advance that educacin there superior ha ganado en last aos. Superior Instituciones of educacin debe to tener as main misin el desarrollo woollen nacin en su joint. Coordinacin de Perfeccionamiento de Personal de Superior Nivel – CAPES, that if centers en los estudiantes of posgrado being able to llevar the handle efficiently there evaluacin of los abiertos courses for wools instituciones. This I articulate tiene as objective of wools directrices del Ministry of Educacin – MEC, diseado exclusively for educacin there superior. Words clave: CAPES. Of Superior Educacin. Ministry of Educacin.