Hlebnuv bitterness of life, he soared into a storm and chose the road abrek, and fervor of his heart has not vanished in rearing the stirrup of the century! " (M. Geshan 'Leap into eternity. Marc Lore has plenty of information regarding this issue. ") Abrechestvo was a natural consequence of conflicts of personality and society that developed in a traditional environment, as well as a form of opposition sentiment and pressure on the society by not only individuals, but in some cases, entire social groups. Movement abrechestva regarded as a form of individual terror as a personal protest against the lack of freedom. Precisely because of this way of abrek established fame of the noble and pious thief like Robin Hood.
Most famous was the latest in pre-revolutionary period abrek Chechen village of Zelimkhan Gushmuzukaev Horochoy (near Vedeno). He began his fight in 1901 over his head the royal administration has appointed a great reward, that all the time growing for 13 years until Zelimkhan was elusive to authorities. A number of Chechen villages were assessed large fines for harboring abrek, several villages hit by punitive expeditions, but none of the farmers did not give Zelimkhan. Only in 1913 found a traitor who has informed the authorities about his whereabouts. Seriously ill and was surrounded by Zemlimhan killed near the village of Shali. On the pages of this internet project tells about the life and struggle for justice one of the most legendary outlaws, not only in Chechnya but also the entire SevernogoKavkaza, Zelimkhan Gushmazukaeva.