We have tried to approach the complex and compare the various factors in choosing the country for training. In compiling the table, we took into account the costs of training at universities in Ukraine and abroad, living costs, prospects, and many others paras. Conclusions do you … "We all learned a little, anything, and somehow … 'Alexander Pushkin (1823-1831)' Saudi Arabia has refused to recognize the diplomas of Ukrainian medical schools' Newspaper 'Riyadh' (22/03/2009) It's almost 200 years from the moment, as Pushkin wrote his lines, but a matter of getting a quality higher education is still worried and graduates and their parents. Traditional solution in this case is entering the Ukrainian university in contract, as the number of budget places are limited and often densely occupied numerous beneficiaries. The advantages of this solution are obvious – simple and proven time and many generations of Ukrainian entrants.
Disadvantages did not immediately apparent and can manifest itself when a large portion of time and money will be spent forever. They include: outdated curricula, lack of material resources, lag behind the modern global scientific trends and how to crown it all – the diploma, which is not recognized in Europe and the U.S. … 'Are there any other options?' – you ask. Yes.
And, surprisingly – it is a higher education in Europe. European education – a modern material and technical basis, internships in leading companies with the ability to secure a diploma, which is listed in Europe and the USA and a unique opportunity to see the world. 'It's all good, but because it's expensive' – you will object. And you will not quite right. According to data available from universities in Ukraine, the average cost of tuition at universities that are members of the top ten rankings of the best higher educational establishments of Ukraine is about 20 thousand hryvnia per year and it's just learning, here still have to add the cost of living (in a hostel may not be seats), the purchase of educational materials, etc. In Europe, the same case are different. Tuition fees at universities Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Austria is a maximum of 24,000 hryvnia (the rate of 1 Euro = 9,8 USD). As for accommodation, in the case of lack of space in a dorm, some universities booking of apartments for foreign students. With the passage of the practice firm pays the student's work. In some universities have the opportunity to learn not only in the official language of the country of training, but also in English. In Ukraine or abroad? If overseas, where? We suggest you compare the training costs, accommodation costs, requirements for admission and many other factors that influence the choice of country studies. We guarantee you'll surprised … Comparative Table of all the factors – for the thinking of youth! And as Albert Einstein said: 'Education is what remains after when we forget everything we were taught. " With a small difference in price '… The European (Ukrainian) – choose the right …' education can be for your child a good platform to launch a new, interesting and successful life.