The rational part of the brain only uses 10% of the same, while the emotional part uses 90% remaining, this makes essential to the education of the emotions. During the Decade of the nineties of the last century, neuroscientist Joseph Le Doux demonstrated the domain that serves the emotional brain over the rational brain in certain situations. According to neurologist Antonio Damasio, when the brain makes decisions it does so with the aim of regulating an emotional balance that affects the entire body. Therefore, it is essential to educate the emotional brain to learn to control his instincts and emotions by using their intelligence. The emotional part of the brain scientists placed control of emotions in the limbic system, why call this structure the emotional part of the brain. This system consists of three fundamental elements with specific functions:-the thalamus: sending sensory messages to the cerebral neocortex (the neocortex is considered the thinking part of the) brain); -the hippocampus: believed that it plays a very important role in memory and the interpretation of what we perceive; and – the amygdala, which is the center of emotional control. The limbic system as a whole is present in both cerebral hemispheres and regulates emotions and impulses that we experience. The zero emotional Eduardo Punset, uses this concept to define the point at which neural circuits that will determine how to face situations any boy or girl from the emotional point of view throughout his life have formed.
In this way remains closed-circuit and although the expression and control of emotions one can learn a posteriori, must always start from the neuronal basis that builds up until the age of two years. The key to foster the emotional development in children will be in the relationships of intersubjectivity between the small and the persons to which it relates. Stern, understands the intersubjectivity, on the one hand, as ability to recognize another person as separated from subjective experience Center with which you can share own subjective States (aged two) and, on the other hand, as a specific form of relationship that is generated between the child and his mother (birth to age 2) in particular, in the period sensoriomotor is this a type of specific instersubjetividad, primary intersubjectivity, which refers to the ability to share emotional states that arise in the bosom of the diada figure of apego-bebe. .