Explanar the situation of the Education of Young and Adults in the Brazilian scene contextualizando the perspectives, reflections and challenges faced for this modality of education, in the direction to search the construction of the identity and adult young autonomy of much e. 3. METHOD to reach the objective considered in the article was opted to a methodology of qualitative bibliographical matrix which had the study to consist of presenting the definitions, aspects and concepts on the EJA, in view of the possibility to understand as the educative action a teach-learning based on its daily one would have to be come back toward the compression of the life of the educandos with intention to fortify the education of the adults constructing, in its problems and as to understand them and to surpass them. It is appealed in this study to the thoughts of FREIRE (1980/1996/2002), ARROYO (2001), MOURA (1999/2004), ARBACHE (2001), Law of Lines of direction and Bases n. 9.394/96 and amongst that they reflect on the thematic one. According to Lakatos and Marconi (1991, p.12) on the bibliographical survey: ‘ ‘ it offers ways to define, to not only decide known problems already, as well as to explore new areas where the problems are not characterized enough, providing the examination of a new subject under enfoque.’ ‘ Ahead of this, the boarding of the bibliographical research is qualitative, therefore it elucidates questions that cannot be evaluated of quantitative form and thus in this type of study the researcher becomes involved itself in participativo way of the reality, with sights its understanding interpretation. ‘ ‘ The qualitative boarding in turn, can be defined as come back toward data that are produced by the interpersonal interactions, proceeding from the co-participation of the situations where the informers are involved, looking the researcher to analyze them from the set of significaes that these attribute to its atos.’ ‘ (CHIZZOTI, 2001, p.97).