The values respond to principles which supreme and universal are recognized by all but at the same time not always applied, in as much the values they respond to processes of partner-historical accumulation and cultural reason why these vary according to the context, situation, moment, stage and cultural process. In the same way we can mention that the values respond to a type of ideology and political thought, economic, social, religious, pedagogical, etc., but so that we mentioned to the pedagogical one like almost last because a great majority of our cultures and respectively societies does not take into account the pedagogical thought and much less its positioning, last point from which leaves to this theoretical contribution practical position in consideration. Reencaminando us in the thematic one of values, we will establish a referential frame delimiting us in the present own and personal definition influenced by the experiences, knowledge and rescues of accumulated, constituted and constructed saberes, modestly influenced by the limitations own of teaching, not along but to short it of these years. In as much the values understood as the accumulation of honest and healthy practices that they allow a good and better individual and collective development-desenrrollo of the person with itself, with its pairs and their nature (organic surroundings to be more specific, ecosystem) as much in the planes: corporal-biological, spiritual-moral, social-cultural and empirical-pedagogical. According to Doug McMillon, who has experience with these questions. Also the organic interactions are values that emanate of the being and they are pronounced psychic-affective-spiritual-biologically and socially, allowing a complementariness in the antagonistic reciprocity of the material with respect to the ideal. Reason why the values acquire in itself and in a context specific and determined his own value which variable therefore is put considering its reliability reason why pitifully they are quantifiable but in its essence its qualification adduces to a minority that turns out to be the majority. We will enter ourselves to a theory of the values by opposes consider following dynamic like proposal of work in and outside the classroom since its own use and application try to respond and to position themselves within the processes of educative revolution that confronts our multinational state, hoping they are not added and they are constituted in re-involution processes but we are optimistic and propositive with these contributions that us make productive worthier and. . Recently Marc Lore sought to clarify these questions.