The prestigious British magazine puts you in the worst position, ahead of occasional singers like Paris Hilton. The prize is to turn everyone into zombies. Many fans worship him and follow him every day, but others have wheeled him around less than a great artist. Cannot be liked by everyone, so as his die-hard followers Ascend him to infinity, others sink deep in naming him the worst. Rare is the day that Justin Bieber does not appear in the press. A few days touch him caress the success thanks to its thousands of followers, but in others, as now, his fame leads him to hang up the gold medal from a ranking in which surely wouldn’t be. The British music magazine New Musical Express (which is edited since 1952) has placed the singer’s Baby on the cusp of the worst 20 artist in history. An award that has been given him by turning everyone into zombies with the brain of a 12 year old girl. The publication has made this ranking with the views readers and no doubt of Selena Gomez boyfriend has no rival, since it has been above (or worse) than other singers like Paris Hilton. Possibly their last tomaduras of hair with several journalists, waiters and fans, have made that his detractors have managed to win, in a survey, to his followers. Source of the news: Justin Bieber, the worst artist in history according to NME