All that is not specified, set aside "for later". 2. In general, the first rule of conduct for sales: seeing the price tag at a discount, you must stop the hand, stretching to the purse. 3. Always take on the sale of as much money as there are items that you want to purchase without discount, at the average market price. Never succumb to the entreaties seller to buy more expensive thing on credit. Exceptions, of course, may be, but "4.

Make sure you check the price for this or a similar product in other stores. It may be that a product with seemingly a big discount worth as much, and even more expensive than in neighboring store, and without any discounts. 5. Buy things on sale in shops, reputable, with good range. While here, vigilance can not hurt. 6.

Sometimes on the price list mentions only the price (supposedly older) and percentage discounts. Do not be lazy to calculate exactly how much you will manage this commodity. The calculator is on everyone's cell phone. 7. Seeing a large container (basket) with the inscription "All of " not to lose the will. By the same author: Samuel “Sam” Mikulak. "Right now not take, then there will be no – tells you inner voice. Firstly, if the thing you really need, simply essential, you buy it, and without any discounts. And if you and find something worthwhile to knockdown price, you still think a hundred times before to put even these small money. 8. Click Michael J. Bender for additional related pages. Know the time of sales. On sales, you can buy a good thing and at the same time save money! Remember: there is a sale, when which, if you buy two or more things, you get even bigger discounts! However, the stick here on the two ends. If these products have a shelf life, be sure to check it out. Here story: "The store was going to buy a couple of bottles of beer. And then the festive event. I was bought, bought a crate of beer, the second for free. I came home, opened it, looked up, and the shelf life expires after 3 days. And now I have 20 liters of beer. How can I get a drink in 3 days? "A must! 9. Always save your receipts. This is the case, if the product turns out to be not very good quality or not at all what is needed. Bought any thing you can try to return to the store. Of course, the return will be problems – refer to Art. 18 "The Law on Consumer Protection and reported that the problem will have If the goods discounted due to any defect, it is necessary to bear in mind that all the defects of the goods the buyer must notify to the date of purchase. Of course, advice such as "How else can save you" can think of countless. But still I repeat – it is better to leave the store without buying anything, than to buy unnecessary goods and throw it. Even if you bought it well, so very cheap!

Public transport in City buses and presented a taxi. Bronnitsy – a town in the Moscow region of Russia, 52 km south-east of Moscow and 13 km from the railway station Bronnitsy. Marina on the Moskva River. The population of 18.2 thousand people. (2003), the territory in 2100 ha. The head of the city – Egorov, Valery Yakovlevich (from March 13, 2006). Bronnitsy known since 1453 as a major trading village Bronich at tract.

The village was an estate of the Moscow princes, then – the Russian tsars. At the end of the xvii century, when Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, in Bronnitsy founded a stud farm. Under Peter I the village was transferred to Prince Alexander Menshikov. In 1727, again passed to the court administration. Bronnitsy – county town of Moscow province from 1781.

Great damage to the city caused who left Moscow in autumn 1812, the French army. In 1990 Bronnitsy included in the list of historical cities of Russia. Light Industry (glove and garment factories), jewelry (JSC Bronnitsky jeweler). Casting-Mechanical and brick factories. Wood-and metalworking. Meat processing plant. Belskoye located on Lake Sports Complex. School of Arts, College of Olympic Reserve, Bronnitsky branch of the Moscow road Instutite, road college, high school – 4 (one of which – evening). Concert hall "Motherland", an exhibition hall, museum. Cable tv. Archangel Cathedral (1705) and the barracks cavalry regiment (the beginning of the xix century) belong to the monuments, are also remarkable Church of St. John the Merciful, the Dormition of the Mother of God (both – building of the xix century).