3) As you’ll know, resistance exercise helps you increase your muscle volume, so that your body creates new muscle fibers. Well, for every pound of muscle you add to your body increases your metabolism and burning 65-110 extra calories without doing anything. Why? because muscle tissue is living tissue (unlike fat), so you need energy to survive. Now, if you are a woman and her dread the idea that the weights will make you see yourself as “Arnold” or too “masculine” … Do not worry.

Since women produce very little testosterone, women require lot more work (in addition to illegal drugs such as steroids) to be “muscular.” However, if aunas weight loss with the increase of a few pounds of muscle in the appropriate parts (such as chest, legs and buttocks), you will wear your body a lot more turning, toned, and attractive, much more than see thin and fit. Now, what does this mean? Well, let’s say on average your body burns 2000 calories a day, and you manage to add 5 pounds of muscle to your body while already down several kilos of weight … Since for every kilo of your body burns more calories 65-110, having added five kilos of muscle to your body instead of burning only 2000 calories a day, now your body will be burning calories from 2300-2550 … ie, burns up to 550 extra calories a day, doing nothing more! This means that if you continue to consume only 2000 calories day you will lose weight automatically. Or saying it in another way, you can eat 550 calories more per day in food without gaining weight! In short, training with weights and machines will NOT be part of 95% of people who lose weight only to come back to win, and will allow you to have a body more healthy and attractive long term more easily. Daniel Davila, an expert on fitness and nutrition is dedicated to helping overweight people lose weight and get the body you always wanted. .