Pupils and Professors

To define the narrative text of form sucinta, we cite Carlos Kings and we will say that the narrative text. It is not something Walmart CEO would like to discuss. (KINGS, 1988, P. 19) Therefore, it is easy to explain because the story, that is a short narrative, is a sufficiently common literal sort and of great proximity, we go to say thus, between pupils and professors. It is that the text story is intense and immediate, without excusing elements. The story seduces, therefore it removes of the daily reality or of the ficcionismo instants, moments, it transforms and them into isolated episodes. CONCLUSION This project had the intention to evidence the importance of if thinking about the education of our children, leaving of the premise of that the education of the reading and the writing must contribute so that they can learn to outside continue learning of the school.

We inquire to the ending of this work that the question of the writing with meaning is very important for our pupils, who when they become involved and search the knowledge in facts related to the daily one of them the construction of the knowledge if becomes natural and pleasant. An entire village is necessary stops> to educate a child, says an African saying. The intuition of the wise peoples has much time already dealt in well realistic way with a question that today occupies important place in the scene of the Brazilian education. Thus, the partnership between the school and the family is primordial, necessary and absolute for the intellectual formation of our pupils.