To if speaking in differences respect to the proper characteristics of each individual is configured. In such a way, he is very important and positive, already in the Infantile Education, that if observes all nuances of social its entorno developing values that primam for the valuation of the other, admitting that differences human beings are normal. To work with the diversity is the natural one, a time that the differences exist they do not have inside to be denied of the educative dynamics. According to Sacristn (2002, p.17), ' ' we are only because we are ' ' variados' ' internally, because we are a irrepetvel combination of conditions and diverse qualities that are not static, what in them it also makes diverse in relation to we ourselves throughout the time and according to changeable circumstances that in afetam' '. In this perspective the author in sagacious way affirms despite: the diversity, as well as the inaquality, is normal manifestations of the human beings, the social facts, the cultures and the answers of the individuals front to the education in the classrooms. The diversity will be able to appear accented more or less, but the proper life is so normal how much, and must accustom to live us it with it and to work from it.

The heterogeneidade exists in the schools, inside of them and also in the classrooms because it exists in the external social life. The education also is cause of differences or the acentuao of some of them. We, professors and teachers, participate of the diversification and the homogenization, the equalization and the inaquality. (SACRISTN, 2002, P. 15). The school today requests a professor, an educator whom it expresses in its to make pedagogical the dimensions human being, technological and politics and that it is capable to visualize the effect social of the pedagogical work and them conditionings that in it intervene, that it knows to critically select the orientaes of its prxis.

The lines of direction of the Ministry of the Education are a subject that if more consolidates each time in our country due to the great advances that Superior Ensino has gotten in recent years. The institutions of superior education must have as main mission the development of the nation as a whole. The Coordination of Perfectioning of Staff of Superior Level CAPES, must is focada in the ones after-graduandos being able with effectiveness to carry through the evaluation of the courses opened for the institutions. The present article has the objective to base on the lines of direction of the Ministry of the Education MEC, directed exclusively toward superior education. Word-key: CAPES. Superior education. Ministry of the Education.

Educacin en There general RESUMEN you are there base for un human being puede to ejercer el there paper clave en sociedad en that viven. Wools directrices del Ministry of Educacin you are un bad subject that stairs time consolidated en nuestro debido country los the great los you advance that educacin there superior ha ganado en last aos. Superior Instituciones of educacin debe to tener as main misin el desarrollo woollen nacin en su joint. Coordinacin de Perfeccionamiento de Personal de Superior Nivel – CAPES, that if centers en los estudiantes of posgrado being able to llevar the handle efficiently there evaluacin of los abiertos courses for wools instituciones. This I articulate tiene as objective of wools directrices del Ministry of Educacin – MEC, diseado exclusively for educacin there superior. Words clave: CAPES. Of Superior Educacin. Ministry of Educacin.

The Argentine takes stock of his career and his titles as footballer. He believes that he is living the best time of his professional career. On criticism for his play with the selection, he said not to pay attention. The Argentine striker Lionel Messi said that in recent years it has grown in Barcelona thanks to coach Josep Guardiola. I want to keep improving, always try and. What I do know, I want to improve it.

And what I don’t know, learn it. In recent years with Guadiola I grew up much also in the tactical, taught me many things in that aspect, the Rosario-born footballer told the sports daily Ole of Buenos Aires. With regard to the Copa America Venezuela 2007, Messi said that it looks very changed when it is about to debut Edition of the tournament which begins in your country. I grew up much at all. In the game in Barcelona.

Also in another is that my time in selection, is another my responsibility within the team. Years passed and things for me were better, He said. Thank God I’m going through an incredible moment and I hope to continue. I don’t think not in be the best or among the best. When I finish my career, I hope that I have gone well, he said. I hope to have when you hang up the boots the most possible titles with Barcelona, selection and individually. But without thinking about being the best in the history nor to compare me with the greats of history, he added. Messi assured is not pending records over his career. There I hear when published it the media, but I also give much ball. I do not think about that. I think to win things. To win other leagues, to arrive at the other end of Champions, he said. Flea affirmed that pressure which has Argentina to win the America’s Cup is cute. If we win the Cup we can begin to work in peace in the next few years to get well at the World Cup, he said. In terms of its relationship with the public in his country said it expects be equal to in Barcelona. I’m Barca 10 points and I would like to be in the same way in the selection. By selection had a very hard time, I criticized, me badly hit everywhere and everything. It was hard, but now I’m fine, he said. I don’t know why, but something tells me that I’m going to win a World Cup, said Messi, the biggest attraction of the America’s Cup figure. Source of the news: Messi: “In recent years I have grown a lot with Guardiola”

Dublin, November 28, 2007. Exercise, direct contact with nature and enjoy the scenery, if there is any way of combining these three aspects is a walk through the trails and an excellent destination for this practice are. If there is any way to fully enjoy the scenery and exercise at the same time this is hiking. The mild climate that surrounds, Menorca, Ibiza and can enjoy routes through valleys, mountains, plains and mountains of the islands range allows us to choose the itinerary that best satisfies us. Hiking is one of the most followers wins in the seasons of spring, summer and fall, combining direct contact with nature, with an exercise that becomes as intense as each one you want. Thus, the ride may be slow to "give everything" but who does what he can not help walking, luckily, is enjoying the most beautiful landscapes. Walking does not require excessive physical preparation or an annoying or long travel to the place in which to practice, like other outdoor sports, a trip is enough to let go. However, as it summons the experience, expertise and physical resistance can increase the length and difficulty of the routes, and increases the "appetite" to find elsewhere.

Hiking has become very popular, despite this, environmentalists and other associations agree that mountain is often done improperly, since those who sporadically in areas favorable for this practice are not always aware of the attacks that can occur in these natural places and forget to respect the environment. That's why the hike is essential to respect nature and then enjoy the sport and landscape. In many paths for this practice and the variety gives us a chance to choose. An example is the public estate of Son Real is situated on the northeast coast of in the municipality of Santa Margalida. This farm is a veritable outdoor museum, with archaeological remains and the natural beauty becomes one for a walk outdoors. If you want to know more about this place or in other tourist options you can find useful information on the portal. In addition to offering a comprehensive guide to activities of these islands, will find this site offers tours, useful information for passengers and flights and all about. Victoria Molnar For more information:

Our life has revolutionized hints and tips for a safe online shopping experience online shopping in the last 15 years. We can buy not only at the big mail-order firms such as Amazon, but also the sale of used goods on marketplaces like eBay has created opportunities for us, were unthinkable even 20 years ago. But how often, there is a down side here, too. If through an online auction two parties together in a business, there will always be people attempting to defraud the business partner and to go over the ear. The anonymity of the Internet makes it possible much there, what is impossible in real life. Of course the platform operators are asked here, to take all possible measures to provide a safe and secure shopping experience. But the fact is: not all contingencies can be excluded, a residual risk will always remain.

This once as an example, consider trading tickets on the Internet. Just the football is very popular and Tickets often change hands at horrendous prices. This ticket auctions are also vulnerable to cheaters: when prices normally are very high, many buyers will want to strike quickly if once a better offer emerges. And that is precisely the scam of the scammers: they are counting on buyers given the supply of the good to be careless and transfer money in advance. The desired football tickets will receive it then of course nicit in the case. Applies so buyer: ever more attractive the game, the more careful you should be. Cheater bent in particular on very popular games, where prices normally are extremely high and there trying to get a buyer on the ear.

Simple Bundesliga matches, which are not in the particular interest of the public, the risk of being cheated, by a seller is, however, very much smaller. At auction houses such as eBay, actually every seller must be verified, i.e. He must his actual postal address have confirmed. To ensure that you can hide problems not in anonymity. Therefore, it carried almost all scam attempts at online auctions with help from hacked accounts. By phishing emails, Trojans and the like get the scammers to the data of ‘real’ eBay accounts and then use these accounts for their drive. Most accounts are used, have a very good reputation – buyers can then quickly blinded by the good profile and not think that the account could be been hacked. Just if a scammer “sells tickets for attractive top games”, there are some tricks which you can use to find out and protect themselves. Here you find a very detailed explanation of how you should proceed with ticket auctions for the coveted top games to sit any cheaters. Definitely applies: be better a little too suspicious in case of doubt and carefully consider offers that are too good to be true. Because it is at Fraud in many cases hijacked accounts is to try always in doubt, for example, telephone to reach in order to verify that an auction is in fact made by him the actual account holder. Offers from abroad should be particularly wary and vigilant in connection with football tickets, at least.

They have to learn one of the most fundamental lessons: there is no home, that life is a pilgrimage without beginning or end. Yes, there are places where you can relax, but are simply for the night and the next morning you have to go back Finally, adds us Osho, life consists in exploring, go into the unknown, reach for the stars! Be brave and sacrificed everything for life; nothing is worth more than her. Don’t sacrifice your life for small things: money, security and stability. None of this has value. One has to live his own life as completely as possible, then joy arrives. Only then is a boundless joy possible. Those who want to live really are faced with many risks. They have to go more and more into the unknown.

They have to learn one of the most fundamental lessons: there is no home, that life is a pilgrimage without beginning or end. Yes, there are places where you can relax, but are simply for the night and the next morning you have to again go Krishnamurti for its part, quote, that life consists in exploring, go into the unknown, reach for the stars. In our chance at life, you must be brave and sacrificed everything for life; nothing is worth more than her, it indicates. Krishnamurti: Don’t sacrifice your life for small things: money, security and stability. None of this has value.

One has to live his own life as completely as possible, then joy arrives. Only then is a boundless joy possible. Those who want to live really have to face many risks. They have to go more and more into the unknown. They have to learn one of the most fundamental lessons: there is no home, that life is a pilgrimage without beginning or end. Yes, There are places where you can relax, but are simply for the night and the next morning you have to go again in final, says us than in the opportunity to live, has learned, it is not always sufficient to be forgiven by others. Sometimes it will be necessary to learn how to forgive myself.Taking into consideration aspects such as that: I’ve learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for what we get to be…I’ve learned that the titles on a wall do not make you a decent human being. I’ve learned that persons who will matter most in life, are away from you too soon I learned that sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry, but not the right to be cruel.

When on 15 October 2008, I opened my eyes, was a Wednesday either, the world continued to live and Cieloa even the stars were shivering, panting lagrimasa even cried in the rows closest to the candles, the world did not cared about my pain, Dr. Eusebio Palomino, my anesthesiologist, had already retired, while I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes watched the mist on the new road, behind only had amnesiaa the front gave analgesia, confusion reigned, seconds and more seconds passed and I preguntabaa And who am I?, And where am I?, kept passing minutes more minutes and kept asking yQue matter?, could see little, people dressed in green who was moving from side to side and I atendiana every second, every minute I was getting my concienciaa when the drugs are metabolized and recovered plenamentea I screamed and wanted to sit, ran to auxiliarmea Tranquilo Miguel! … Tranquilo! … Paquita and Marlene, were next to me, yQuienes are? a "thought-a Ysera angels? .. Ysera Virgin? … and Marujita And where is he? … clumsily walking hand in hand with silence and fear, the nurses I spoke with great tenderness and told me to unisonoa Ahola Miguel Welcome! … I must have smiled, for I am an educated person, but yQue looking for? – asked me, "because I turned my head to all sides of this room of glass, there I found my old friends, was the Multi Parameter Monitor, Pulse-Oximeter, the venipuncture, central catheters, tubes, drains, dressings but still desperately seeking yQue looking for? a ASeek A Clock! …

A trend in the United States turns into an event for the whole family In Hines Park in Westland, Michigan held the 25th MudDay already this year. Well 200 tons of Earth and more than 70,000 litres of water provided for a Festival, on which the whole family really was allowed to play. Initially, the experience was rather intended for infants, but showed quickly how much larger siblings and parents can have fun at the foraging matschen with mud of lots of. The images, which every year are absorbed by this event, give an insight into the great adventure, to wallow together with like-minded people in the dirt. It seems no wonder that are each year more and more people on the way make to Michigan and over 5000 people attended the Festival this year.

MudDay fun for the whole family but even greater is the joy, even to participate. That’s why ReiseMeise children travel and Buschmann & Winkelmann hold next year the first MudDay in Germany. Those who experience something really exciting are so want, invited on 18 August 2013 on the asparagus farm in Klaistow. There you can either lubricate yourself with mud, other SOAP or but just watch the spectacle. In the foreground is the event itself, to join but still some other entertainment offerings, which will allow the entire family an unforgettable adventure trip. To ensure varied games around the main attraction that ensures everyone gets. Get more information at

Prosperity is a balance in these three aspects and we need to arrogate us to achieve growth in all three. Here you share three steps to achieve it step 1: consciousness: consciousness is to give account of itself, in this case would know how I am in three aspects that make up the prosperity: how I am in appearance money, I want and I have to do to achieve it. How I am in my health, I want and I have to do to achieve it and how I am in my interpersonal relationships I want and that I have to achieve it. Step 2: release. To go in an effective manner towards what I should I get rid of the filth that is of what stops me towards what I want, i.e. get rid of toxic feelings and blocking beliefs.

Step 3: Spiritualize me. Yes to any of the steps is you could give more importance would be this; What means this step is recourse to your spirit that is as you say the Neurolinguistic programming to your highest source of resources, there are several trails or disciplines to achieve it. It can be through prayer is when you talk to God, the universe, life as you want him to call or meditation which is when God, the universe, the life you speak. Today there are a large number of disciplines to achieve this such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Reiki, Chi Kung, etc. A fourth step gift. Step 4. It exercises your life’s mission. The Mission of life is the reason why you came to this planet, also has been named him the purpose of life.

Only ask for what both expenditure of energy and resources in me? You must have a purpose, a very good goal in life is to find it. Here I give all these steps to have a plan, a method and you can enter the Total prosperity; I recommend seeking professional help for dealing with them that is a professional and qualified person who guide you made the achievement of your goal. By Eloisa Chavarria Dr. Eloisa Chavarria is Gestalt psychotherapist and teacher of Kundalini Yoga and has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and professionals to improve their results Professional and economic.

Practical the traditional one of education was spread out being possible to find its vestiges in the current society when proper geographic science already passed for deep modifications. The roots of this period if reflect in the classroom of today, where it seems to be one disciplines of little importance for the pupils that stops passing, is only necessary to memorize, this finishes for distanciar the geography of the reality, that is its main paper being at the hands of few its true meaning, Castrogiovanni says that: Many still believe that Geography is one disciplines uninteresting and disinterested, element of a culture that needs the memory to hold back names of rivers, regions, countries, altitudes, etc. In this first decade of century XXI Geography more than what never it places human beings in the center of the concerns therefore can also be considered as a reflection on that they withhold its knowledge. (CASTROGIOVANNI, 2007, p.42) Inside of this context the disinterest of the pupils in studying appears and to learn thus considers cabvel the origin of the desmotivao of the pupils the proper lesson of Geography, that in many cases does not possess the paper to insert the pupil in the contents through its experiences and of the dialogue. We need professors of geography with knowledge, that folloies the changes, bringing transformations for the reality of the classroom, so that this happens is necessary to finish with the banking education in Ensino of in agreement Geography (Freire, 1987); in this education the professor deposits knowledge in educating that they memorize and mere they repeat in the tests.