At the same time, remember certain stereotypes that creates consumer society and which oblige to spend leisure time in other less enriching activities of the spirit (if you allow me the term) and by no means least respectable, although not to share the essence and the form of some of them. Example that illustrates this cliche is the handling of television as means of communication (read information, directed recreational, alienation, etc.), the massive introduction of games, video, computing, prefabricated and big sports events, cinema as a means of evasion (detached from his role as creator of thesis, aspect this that does not reach the great mass), ethyl runaway consumption, drug addiction, etc.

It is noteworthy that in several of these activities man is only a being passive in its relationship with the environment. Any creative contribution by his own party is not imposed. In other cases, the conversation is just a vehicle, not an end, technical, tax or otherwise surface, never understood in its full dimension. The dislike for the culture and knowledge (not proper to them, but to the effort that imposes since it embed in them), the mental laziness, social disdain, narrow technocrats mentalities, the trend towards individual, urban hypocrisy are, among others, some of the factors that contribute to the loss of the hobby by conversation in the man in the modern world. The pleasure of conversation has been lost by herself. Only used as a pretext for any other purpose, previously determined and established beforehand. We insist, never as an end. Today almost that is limited to people economically not productive or solvents, or independent in relation to the process of creation of wealth, such as retirees, Bohemians, intellectuals, prisoners, elderly and others who, in spite of their social, economic, political, cultural or intellectual status, rescued it in all its magnitude and value in its intrinsic nature.