Aspiration, Desires, Goals

Aspiration, desire, goal – that is what should manage your life. Parkour for those who aspire to new heights. This is not a sport and not extreme, it is – a way of existence in this life, when all around us are just chosen the path of we must follow, parkour their way. Parkour – a perception of everything around you, understanding and cooperation with your body, the coexistence with the city. This is a romance, an explosion of emotions, will, freedom of action. Everything you need to do is have anyone, whether boy or girl: plain shirt, comfortable pants and light shoes. Parkour must come from the heart, he should be in you, live in you and nurture you.

Human fear factor, and the outer limits – this is what Parkour helps to overcome, liberate movement, emancipate the mind and move to a new still poorly understood level of their abilities. If you go to the goal, and progressively determination, you must come to it. Sooner or later. Parkour – the art of sound movement, a discipline in which we strive for speed and efficiency to overcome the obstacles during the movement. Here require all the physical abilities of the human body, because it requires constant concentration. A person engaged in parkour, free to move outside the boundaries of a standard-minded people around. Consciousness Tracer allows him to overcome obstacles, paving the way, where like, not where it is accepted: holes in walls, behind which you'll be able to successfully catch, bulges, which will not let your legs, divide through that you will not be easy to skip – this is the result of scanning terrain tracer.

Experience in overcoming their fears, uncertainty, obtained by a set of training, will teach you to see the way everywhere. In modern city for the tracer is the mass of 'pathways' by which it reaches the desired room for him. Parkour – this campaign is a life long, not short and violent battle, so do not try to comprehend all at once, the skills will be progressively come, and the body will work in harmony with the consciousness. The style of each movement of tracer is different and should not break this uniqueness, adjusting to a stereotype or norm, you need to grow and develop in its own style improving it is available to you tools and techniques. Parkour is not, and can not be competition, there can be jealousy or hate, there must be freedom, freedom of action, movement, freedom of thought. It's like meditation: you seem to equilibrate with all around you, your heart stops as if the whole world around you merge with you and help, though near each wall or hedge steps by which you ascend. You interacting with the world, becomes with them a single entity, and has already set up in all the rushing, cutting through the wind. This Parkour never be sports or extreme sports, he will always be free discipline. Sport – it's money, it's competition, envy, slander, and sports is no longer such as in the past, it is not bringing people together, it is built on the profits. People who have reached the maximum peaks in sport, stay in the same Parkour No peaks, just as there is no limit self-improvement. For this tracer are no limits and boundaries – these are all just temporary restrictions, and the question of overcoming them – only a matter of time.