Professor Don Giulio

The perseverance, the determination and the ousadia had not been castrated by its social interaction. The parents if show as motivador factor of the development of it. In one of the initial scenes we can see the mother complaining the fact of it to break (to disassemble) all the toys stops later becoming to fix them. Although to be a common thing of the children, this curiosity was not castrated of it and, although the claims, the parents supported its discoveries, what it can have facilitated the interest of it for equipment, and the fact of it to be able to become useful an old recorder. When Mirco wins the proper fears and dares, it also fortifies the position of Don Professor Giulio that, exactly adept of new educational ideas, did not have courage to face the director. But we cannot forget the paper basic Ettore that, through the popular movement, obtained that the Director was dismissed, reiterating the force that the social interaction in favor of external factors, who does not affect to it directly, can provoke transformations. The film takes in them to rethink ours practical and our fears to face the challenges front to the structural and social impositions, as Lane would say: The subjectivity is constructed in the relation dialectic between the individual and the society and its institutions, both uses the mediaes of the emotions, the language, the groups in order to present a questionable, responsible objetividade for a subjectivity in which these codes substitute the reality.

Thus, objetividade/subjectivity as unit dialectic is mediated by a called structure Social Subjectivity, which, through code affective and linguistic they guarantee the maintenance of the status quo. How to face this ambush? (1998, P. 17) the thematic reflections and that the long Red as the Sky provoke are many. The scene that brings the parents with forbidden eyes attending the spectacle in them provokes to have a differentiated look e, as well as said Professor Don Giulio, to use the other directions and then to lose the etnocentrismo front to the culture of the other and the possible physical limitations.